Alternatives Database
Tension Pneumothorax Trainers and Manikins
Producer: SimulaidsVarious Tension Pneumothorax Trainers and Manikins along with accessories and replacement parts, including:
TruCorp TruMan Trauma X Training Manikin
Surgical Airway Management & Resuscitation Skills
Lifelike training in advanced airway management skills, intubation, ventilation, CPR and emergency surgical procedures for life-threatening trauma situations. Anatomically correct simulated human torso and AirSim X airway facilitate training in tracheostomy, needle & surgical cricothyroidotomy, chest tube insertion, needle decompression of tension pneumothorax and more.
Price: £4,508.00 + VAT
Tension Pneumothorax Simulator
This torso enables an instructor to teach and a student to practise properly inserting a needle to permit built-up air pressure to escape the thorax.
Emergency care doctors recommend this relatively simple procedure to release air pressure from the thorax of a trauma victim.
This model will enable emergency medical personnel to develop the required skills before administering needle decompression to a live patient.
This simulator accepts needle thoracentesis in the second intercostal space in the midclavicular line, or the fifth intercostal space in the mid-axillary line.
The model comes complete with replaceable lungs, a rib cage, and a soft, lifelike replaceable skin.
Unit can be punctured 75 to 100 times before replacement is necessary.
Three-year warranty.
Price: £750.00 + VAT